• “MyLift” application is a software for android-based devices designed to the lift’s owners and intended to help them customize their lift without requiring the intervention of the technician in charge of the maintenance of the lift.• This application is connected to an “ASP116 Evolution” Lift Controller from SPRINTE company. The connection to the controller is done via Bluetooth medium by a SPRINTE gateway located in the car of the lift. Once this connection is established, the application gives access to the customization settings of the lift (sounds volumes displays background, date & time settings, access codes in car, etc...). The terms ‘Owner Settings’ will be used furthemore in this agreement license to designate these settings.
• In case where the lift is out of order , the application gives access to the latest faults that have occured, in order to facilitate the intervention of the lift technician.
• Under no circumstances, the application gives access to installation or safety settings of the lift. These settings are accessible only by a competent lift technician authorized to perform installation and maintenance operations on the connected lift.
-- MyLift integrates CANopenLIFT technology --